Ephesians 5:21-6:9
DAY 1- Equality of submission under Christ – Ephesians 5:21
Possibly the most overlooked sentence in the above passage is the opening sentence. ‘Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.’ v5:21 The content of this section on close personal relationships was radical in the extreme at the time of writing and remains challenging today. It covers the intimate family relationships between married couples, parents and children as well as those at work. The cornerstone of all these relationships is the relationship between the Christian and Christ. Paul never intended his words to be removed from the context of Christian discipleship. What he instructs in this passage is only achievable in the context of one’s walk with Christ and the wider context of the passage it is all about the disciple’s walk and relationship with Jesus and should not be lifted out of that context. The notion of each submitting to one another was entirely new, utterly counter cultural and placed women into an entirely new equal and highly valued position. This passage has over generations been distorted and misapplied in the church, as well as being used in wider society, to justify one group not submitting itself to another. The underlying principle is that we are to love Jesus and each other as he loves us, with a sacrificial love. Our reverence for Christ can be measured by how much we love as he loves, seeking the very best for other person as he sought our salvation. Our relationships will increasingly prosper as we become more like Jesus in our hearts, minds and will.