Psalm 67.3-7
Tearfund are campaigning for the government to see the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to provide reasons for the peoples of the nations to praise God. If the nations are led in the light of the character and ways of God then they will be singing praises. Why is this? Because the Godly way to rule is with equity. It also has a world wide view because God wishes to bless the whole world, not to benefit some peoples at the detriment of others. Gospel living and governing is radically different from government by unfair self-interest. It has a different perception of self-interest in that it is in everybody’s interest that governance is equitable.
Psalm 67 is a harvest psalm but it is clear from verse 7 that the harvest is spiritual and global, not just material. Read again Psalm 67 in the light of the e mail content below from Tearfund.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we see the world.
It’s forced us to pause and reflect.
It’s reminded us of the fragility of life and exposed inequalities in society. But it’s also brought communities together and given us the chance to reimagine what life could be like.
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to be part of rebuilding a society which reflects God’s kingdom values.
As Christians, we can play a vital role by living differently and calling for change as we move forward. Christians have often been central at moments of social renewal and justice – from the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade to the civil rights struggle.
And now, we can urge our leaders to prioritise loving our neighbours near and far, protecting the most vulnerable, and caring for God’s creation. Here are two easy ways you can take action today with our Reboot Campaign.
First, you can join us in urging the UK government to reboot the economy in a way that prioritises the poorest and creates a better world for everyone. We have limited time to influence our leaders as they respond to the current crisis.
Add your voice by sending a ‘reboot message’ to the prime minister using the link below. You’ll find easy instructions to send an email or write a letter.
You can also use our Reboot Campaign video and discussion guide to explore with others how you are experiencing the pandemic, and how you can play your part in building a better world. We’d love to hear how you get on.
Respond: Share vaccines with developing countries
Reset: Cancel debt and release emergency funding to help developing countries respond to the crisis
Recognise: Include local faith groups in the response and recovery plans
Recover: Ensure the global recovery creates a better world for people in poverty, including by supporting small businesses, clamping down on tax loopholes and tackling climate change.
Renew: Work with the devolved nations to reboot the UK economy in a way that creates jobs and tackles the climate crisis
To find out more about these recommendations, please refer to
Tearfund’s policy paper Coronavirus crisis: Restoring societies.
Are we prepared to see advocacy as part of our Christian discipleship?
Do we see the world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and take Jesus teachings to heart?
Psalm 67 (Lyric Video) | The Corner Room